hi folks!! and welcome to my first tamagotchi log in... over 10 years for sure LOL. i've been reading other logs a lot (specifically ginjirotchi.ca logs, i found this site yesterday and was THRILLED to see someone still ACTIVELY logging primarily vintage releases!) and reminiscing on when logs were super popular... so i decided to try and make my own after all this time! :) and it gives me something to write about in my blog section LOL
currently, i'm just running my pink pix! i'm more of a one tama at a time kinda gal... although soon i may experiment with running a couple at a time! >:) i got my pix back in early march, i believe? and i'm currently on gen 4 with a little guy named pasta! :) here are my last 3 generations below. from left to right, we have parsley the lovelitchi, garlic the weeptchi, and pesto the neliatchi!
(note: please bare with me on picture quality... i have no idea why they're so blue. and different sizes ?! i'll fix these in the future maybe)currently as of writing (5/1/22), pasta is a fuyofuyotchi! he's at 1 year, honestly kind of.. low in happy/hungry but i'll handle that later LOL, and our friendship is level "friendly"! i've been keeping a log since his birth but just haven't had time to type it out, so lets backtrack a bit!
4/20/22- DAY 0
at 11:05am basil decided it was time to go back to tama planet- right as i was trying to leave for work!! i watched the departing animations and picked photos for her album, and watched her pick a blue egg to send back to me! i waited the minute (?) for the egg to hatch, and out came little boy pasta. :) unfortunately, i didn't have time to raise a baby tam as i worked, so i took his batteries out until i came back.

around 2:25pm i was back home and ready to raise pasta! over the next hour, he pooped nine times, once every 6 minutes! he got sick once at 2:33pm, and took a nap around 2:56pm. i find it so strange that on the pix, you don't turn the lights off when the babies nap! this is my first color tama, i'm used to connections. i suppose there's no light icon to turn it off, but i feel so bad for them sleeping in complete daylight LOL.
while i was raising pasta, i was reading ginjirotchi's ocean logs which in turn made me stress out about pasta, despire the pix not being very needy even in the baby phase LOL. i think the long happy meters contributes a lot to that, i filled it completely at the beginning and only refilled it once - and that wasn't even a need. i believe how many happy points you gain determines the child character.. maybe i'll experiment more with that in the future!

at 3:24pm, pasta evolved into fuyofuyotchi, the middle care child caracter and got 300G! i wonder where the gotchi points come from, maybe the tama before them? he would then go on to poo three more times that day, all at times ending in :24 or :55!

that afternoon, he got a visit from mimitchi!! :) i like mimitchi a lot, so i was happy to see her! pasta showed her around the house before saying goodbye. i snapped a picture of them standing together in the bedroom.. i think it's SO cute! i wish i could visit it more, or have a room theme more like it. after that, he went to the restaurant and had dinner, where everything was 50% off. as it has been since early in basil's growth, actually. i didn't find out that it's from the eco fork until writing this, i just thought it was a holiday special that went on a bit too long LOL. at 8pm, he went to sleep mostly full and fairly happy!
today's been a pretty quiet day for pasta! this morning i had to work again, this time before he woke up, so i found a little pouch and took him with me! it was... not the best time so i didn't get any chances to check up on him until i was done, less than an hour after he woke up. (assuming he wakes up at 8am, i wasn't able to check!) he was doing just fine though :)

i took him to the park later that morning and met butterflytchi! i think she's very cute.. but i almost Always get her when i go to the park LOL. but, to be fair, one time she gave me a 50% off remodeling coupon, so i can't complain too much! afterwards, at butterflytchi's suggestion, i took pasta out "exploring" where he met a new friend, the attendant! :) i hardly use the explore feature because i don't really go anywhere, so i have nothing to take pictures of LOL. but i indulged him, and took a rather bland picture.
around noon, while doing basic care for pasta, i remembered to change his house furniture from a potted plant to a large stuffed bear! i like to do this for all my child characters, it adds a sweet touch :) i think i'll change the room theme at some point too.. i currently have it on the garden theme, but i've been looking at that one for a good while now LOL. i'll figure it out in the teen stage, i don't have a good grasp on pasta's personality yet :)
speaking of the teen stage, i took so long writing this that he's evolved!! he evolved at 3:24pm into terukerotchi! this is a new teen for me and oh my god. he's SO cute!! he's the best care teen, which i'm a little shocked about! i've been pretty lazy about the happy meter today, but i suppose it never got low enough to count as a care miss! from here on i'm going to try to take less than perfect care - perfect care for the blue egg is mametchi, and although i do love him, i'm interested in seeing other characters! :) i'll try to get a picture of him tomorrow - i tried four different times and different ways to take a photo and wasn't happy with any of them. :(
this long is already INCREDIBLY long so im going to end it here, hopefully as i write more i'll be able to find my groove! if anything else exciting happens to happen today, i'll update it here. :) click below to return to the blog main page