ramblings 3


this is just a general life update and thinking outloud blog!! i havent made an entry in like 2 months so i think im about due.

SO, first of all, i got a new job!! i don't start until early december, but it's work from home and phone surveying, which will help me get out of retail and food service hell, i hope. i'm excited for it!! it's one of those places that provide their own equipment so i won't have to worry about trying to use my 10 yr old laptop LOL. i hope i do well at it.. i think it'll come with its own challenges, namely work/life balance since i don't have an office, and getting Away from screens, but i'm more willing to work with that than have the agony of working in food. where nobody knows how to stay home when they're sick.

besides that, i've been busy this last week with family stuff but now i'm taking time to indulge in hobbies and rest while i have the time! i was Dangerously close to fully burning out at my last job so i'm trying to heal from that. i've picked up a podcast and i really enjoy it!! i'm not a podcast girlie but i DO have adhd so anything is possible. i've also been working on oc stuff and i'm thinking about building a page for them all when i have more energy.. i've been thinking about imanis oc page while contemplating and everyone should go look at it and contemplate with me. i've also been thinking about kalechips' oc page, and specifically their code for it! it's such a nice clean layout.. but until then i always have my toyhouse and discord hub to play with until/if i get around to making one on here! :D

i recently got some new tamas in and i LOVE them!!! it's an osutchi and mesutchi pair i got for an insanely good price, i can't remember if i've mentioned it on here yet. i'm on my second generation and currently have pirorirotchi and pirorintchi, but i'm neglecting my osutchi to experiment with TMP regression. 10+ years after i found out about them and i still don't quite understand how to do it, if anyone has tips leave me a message in my guestbook!!

i have been having an intense project sekai moment for the last few months. i've taken an extended break from project diva to play it.. unfortunately all the daily things to do and songs and characters i love have me trapped. in a good way! i like it. i stll don't care about anyone who's not a vocaloid, but i have some sort of recognition of some of them now. also there's a miku picross? i only found out because it's coming to PC but i have full intention of getting it on my phone when i'm in a picross mood.
vocaloid related, i need to update my music page heavily.. but i'll save that for some other time. right now i want to go make dinner!! i'm planning on chicken and gnocchi soup, to knock something else off my to try list over here. see y'all next time!
- jamie xoxo