Maisie's first real friend in Japan, and her eventual husband. They almost immediately bonded via Ichiban's natural charisma and their shared level of passion.
Despite appearing similar in nature (loyal, friendly, blunt, passionate), they approach a lot of things very differently. Where Ichiban dives in headfirst and figures the details out later, Maisie likes to know the what, when, where, and how. Where Ichiban is high energy, Maisie is low energy. It's caused a lot of hiccups in their relationship, especially once they start living together, but they work it out with lots of communication and compromise.
Maisie thinks the world of him. She takes joy in being able to completely relax around him and loves hearing him talk about his day or things he enjoys. She doesn't go with the gang on quests, as she's not particularly skilled at fighting, but she's always a safe spot for Ichiban to get bandaged up and relax at the end of the day.

Their friendship had a rocky start, but you'd never know it looking at them now.
It took both of them a while to adjust to eachothers personality. Saeko's initial thought of Maisie was that she was rude and stuck up, while Maisie's initial thoughts of Saeko were that she was overbearing and invasive.
Now, with boundaries set and a better understanding of the other, Maisie is a common tag-along to Saeko's impulsive plans.
They often get together to have a "girl's day", which is mostly an excuse to trade gossip over lunch. Maisie is Saeko's closest female friend and confidant.