howdy folks! it's been a little over 2 months since i last did any updates to this site. i'm not particularly disheartened by it, since this is a fun hobby for me and if i just don't want to do it then i wont! but recently (from a domino effect from mani ) i have been coding quietly! i've specifically been redoing my tamagotchi pages layout and moving some stuff around in it!! i hope to upload it relatively soon. as of writing this, i just need to mess with getting things into a proper position and also change how the content itself is displayed slightly, and then i should be done! i'll probably do it later since i just got off work.
speaking of work, i've also gotten Another new job! if i have to work food service again ever in my life i think it's my legal right to be murderous. now i work from home and do deal with people but dont destroy my body, so life is a little easier :) i get Significantly less tired and as of right now the workload is about perfect for me to starve off burnout! being disabled and not being able to work more than part time is ruff. i've been wokring here a little over a month now and still feel fine about it, which is Drastically different from my last job where i burnt out in less than two, i think.
otherwise i've both had a lot going on and Severely Nothing At All. i finally feel (Barely) stable enough in life (who knew that taking your medicine daily at the same time makes you feel like a person) where i want to start doing things that Arent just buying food and make my space better for me. i don't want to speak on them all yet, but one i will mention is that i'm joining a book club!! i meet with them this next monday evening and i'm excited. i joined them last month for their christmas event not realizing it was apart of a book club and i had a really good time!! the book we're discussing is the paris library by janet skeslien charles if anyone's curious. it was nice!! i liked that everyone kind of sucked a bit ("every character had interesting flaws" if i want to sound smart). i also checked it off on my storygraph which i will advertise again. feel free to add me if you're on there too! it's a nifty little site. it's also a relevant segway into my next topic...
i think i will be condensing my site a bit! i do love how much variety i have, and i do like all my pages, but i think i've really bitten off mote than i can chew for maintaining somewhat regular updates. as i mentioned before, i haven't updated in over 2 months! and it partially really Was that i just didnt want to. but a contributing factor was that i felt very overwhelmed with the amount of pages requiring regular updates. i've made plenty of recipes in these 2 months, but i haven't updated my recipe page in ages. i've listened to albums and read books, but my media page has gone even more untouched! so i think i'll be making any updates i DO want to feature to be just that - a Featured update! not marking down every thing. and some things can be rerouted to other websites for more frequent updates, like storygraph, which i love to update so i'm usually ontop of it. for the rest, i'll just pick things that i'd really like to share (like this absolutely fantastic pesto gnocchi i made a few days ago - it's too good NOT to share), and let the rest either update in batches... or whenever i get to it. the time for this theme is also up, i hadn't realized i've had this since july-ish!! i already have plans for the next theme i'll do, but i'm taking my time with it. the custom graphics always get me
these blogs have always been a stream of consciousness for me and this is no different! thanks for reading, and maybe you'll see a bigger update in a few days :)